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Oatmeal Pancakes

Whole-grain pancakes that you’ll want to eat every day.

Oatmeal Pancakes

Makes 8 - 10; 2-oz pancakes

This is my go-to pancake recipe. I modify it endlessly to suit our breakfast mood at any given time see Recipe Tips for ideas. My favorite thing about these pancakes is that I can start them overnight and finish them in the morning. That makes them perfect for planning big breakfasts as they also hold very well in the oven while finishing off other parts of the meal. Serve them with your favorite syrup and sliced fruit to make for a perfect weekend breakfast.



250g (1.25 c) milk – dairy or nut milk

130g (1 c) old-fashioned rolled oats

80g (0.25 c) yogurt - plain or vanilla

Pancake Wet

30g (2 T) granulated sugar or honey

37g (2.5 T) butter or coconut oil, melted and cooled

6g (1.5 t) vanilla

2 large eggs

Pancake Dry

130g (1 c) AP flour

25g (2 T) glutinous rice flour - optional

7g (1.75 t) baking powder

4g (1 t) kosher salt

1g (0.25 t) baking soda


Butter, softened or vegetable oil

Recipe Know-how

1.      In a small bowl combine milk, oats and yogurt. Cover. Allow to soak 2hrs - overnight.

  • After soaking stir in eggs, sweetener, vanilla and butter.

2.      In a medium bowl combine dry ingredients, mixing well.

  • Add oat mixture to dry ingredients. Using a spatula gently mix together until just combined.

Some streaks of flour remaining are okay

  • Rest batter 30 minutes before cooking.


3.      Preheat oven to 120 C or 250 F

  • Line a cookie sheet with parchment. Set aside.

4.      Heat a large saute pan over medium-low heat for 3-5 minutes. You can also heat an electric griddle to 180 C or 350 F.

Water dropped on the saute pan should skitter gently. If the water droplets scatter violently, the pan is too hot. The heat should be reduced and the pan allowed to cool slightly.

  • Using a paper towel dipped into butter or vegetable oil, coat the pan lightly with fat and allow to heat 30 seconds longer.

5.      Scoop batter with a .25 c measure or 2-oz scoop. Flatten slightly, leaving about 1 – 1.5 inches of space between pancakes.

  • Cook 2-3 minutes. Flip.

Indicators for flipping – bubbles may not begin to appear on the surface of the pancake. Instead, check the bottom of the pancake. It should be golden brown,

If the bottom is not golden, allow the pancake to cook longer.

  • Cook another 1.5 to 2 minutes on the second side.

After flipping: to test for doneness, the pancake should spring back when pressed.

If pancake does not spring back, continue cooking until it does.

These pancakes cook up relatively thickly, It is important that the pancake spring back when tested to ensure it is cooked through,

  • Place cooked pancakes on the prepared cookie sheet and into the oven to keep warm.

  • Repeat the cooking process until all of the batter has been used,

6.      Serve with your favorite toppings.