Goguma Hot Cocoa

Goguma Hot Cocoa

Not too sweet and creamy with a nice chocolate flavor and chestnut accent.

Goguma Hot Cocoa

Serves 2 - 3

I am not a fan of the extra chocolatey, extra thick hot chocolate made from chocolate bars that takes over social media when the weather cools. Call me lame but I much prefer a thinner hot cocoa. What’s the difference? Hot chocolate is thicker and made with chocolate bars while hot cocoa is generally thinner and made with cocoa powder. This goguma hot cocoa has a thinner consistency with a slight thickness from pureed goguma. In essence it is a simple cocoa that is not too sweet and creamy from milk with an earthy chestnut accent from the goguma.

Recipe Tips:

*1. As the cocoa heats, it will thicken. You can adjust the thickness by modifying the ratio of milk to water in the puree. More milk will equal a thicker richer final product while more water will give you something thinner. For a thicker cocoa you can use 400ml (2 c) milk and 100ml (0.50 c) water.


Goguma Puree

200g (1 medium) goguma, steamed, peeled and sliced

*300ml (1.5 c) milk

200ml (1 c) water

Cocoa Syrup

75ml (1/3 c) water

38g (2.5 T) granulated sugar

16g (2 T + 1 t) cocoa powder

1g (0.25 t) kosher salt

1/8 t ground cinnamon


1g (0.25 t) vanilla extract


1.      In a food processor, puree the cooked goguma, milk and water until smooth. Set aside until needed.

The goguma can also be mashed until smooth with a fork and mixed with the milk and water once smooth.

2.      In a medium pot place the chocolate syrup ingredients and stir with a whisk until fully incorporated.

  • Place over medium-low heat and bring to a boil stirring constantly.

  • Boil for 90 seconds continuing to stir constantly. 

  • Strain the goguma mixture into the pot through a fine mesh sieve, pushing any solids through and scraping the bottom of the sieve.

  • Bring to a boil whisking vigorously.

  • Turn off the heat and add the vanilla.

3.      Pour into mugs and serve.

Sip carefully, because the puree helps the drink to hold heat well especially if made with a higher ratio of milk.

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