Red Lentil Hamburger Buns
Fluffy, tender, super soft buns with an unexpected earthy twist.
Red Lentil Hamburger Buns
Makes 10
Growing up, the classic Martin’s potato bun was my familys’ go to for hamburgers, sloppy joes, hotdogs or warmed with butter to dip in hot chocolate. The sweet enriched bread was one of our absolute favorites.
These lentil hamburger buns were created with the potato bun in mind but not as a replacement, more of a cousin. Slightly sweet with a vague earthiness these buns are light, tender and super soft.
“Recipe Tips:
1. You can also use this same recipe to make hot dog buns or a sandwich loaf. Proofing and baking times will vary however.”
200ml (1 c) water
115g (0.50 c) red lentils, rinsed
100ml (0.50 c) milk
40g (5 T) bread flour
325g (2.5 c) bread flour
130g (1 c) whole wheat flour
45g (3 T) dark brown sugar
9g (2.25 t) kosher salt
8g (2 t) instant yeast
50ml (0.25 c) water
56g (4 T) butter, softened
1 egg
Pinch of salt
Recipe Know-how
1. In a medium bowl combine the lentils and water.
Cover and soak overnight.
Fully soaked lentils should break in half easily when “cut” with a fingernail.
2. In a small pot, whisk the milk and flour until smooth.
Place the pot over medium heat.
Cook whisking constantly for 3 – 4 minutes or until a thick paste/roux forms.
If the roux is thickening too quickly and becomes lumpy, reduce the heat and take the pot off the heat. Whisk vigorously for a few seconds to smooth the mixture out again. Return to the heat and comtinue to cook to the proper consistency.
Remove to a small bowl and cool completely.
3. Blend the soaked lentils and the remaining water from the bowl until smooth.
Do Not drain the lentils before pureeing.
4. In a large bowl combine the flours, sugar, salt and yeast mixing until well combined.
Make a well in the center and add the cooled tangzhong and lentil puree.
Using your fingertips, combine the roux and puree well then begin mixing into the flour.
Add the remaining water as needed to create a slightly sticky dough.
Place the dough onto an unfloured surface and knead for 5 minutes.
Flatten the dough and place the butter on top wrapping the remaining dough around to enclose.
Force the butter into the dough by squeezing continually until fully incorporated, about 1 – 2 minutes.
The dough will separate and look impossible to homogenize but trust the process and continue on.
As necessary, scrape the work surface and your hands making sure everything is combined into the dough.
Once combined, continue to knead the dough for 5 minutes longer.
Return to the mixing bowl. Cover and allow to rise for 1 hour.
5. Onto an unfloured surface, place the risen dough smooth side down.
Perform a fold by flattening the dough.
Starting at the point across from you, lift the dough and pull out until there is a little resistance. Fold over the center, turn the dough and repeat until you reach the starting point.
Flip the folds to the bottom and round the ball of dough to seal the bottom.
Return to the bowl. Cover and rise 1 hour longer.
6. Deflate dough and turn out onto an unfloured work surface.
Divide into 10 equal portions.
Preshape each portion by using the same process as a fold and round to tighten.
Repeat with the remaining dough and set aside.
Cover the balls and allow to sit for 15 minutes.
7. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
8. Working one portion of dough at a time, give the buns their final shape.
Use the same process as the fold and preshape to shape the buns.
Place on the prepared baking sheet and flatten slightly.
Repeat with the remaining dough.
Cover loosely and allow to rise for 45 minutes.
9. When the final rise is nearly complete, preheat the oven to 180 C / 350 F.
10. Mix the glaze ingredients until completely smooth.
Remove the cover from the risen buns and gently press the tops to flatten slightly.
Flattening the buns before baking is an optional step. I do not prefer buns that are overly tall compared to the burger and flatten them for something that makes for a better eating experience.
Using a pastry brush, gently brush each of the buns with the glaze ensuring to coat the sides.
Place into the hot oven and bake for 12 – 15 minutes or until golden brown.
Cooked buns will register 94 C / 200 F on an instant read thermometer.
Remove to a cooling rack and cool completely before slicing.
11. Serve.